Want To Ruin Your Personal Injury Case? This Should Do It
When a person is injured, there are many things that go through their mind in addition to getting better and paying the medical bills. If you're like most people, you might be wondering how you're going to get your other bills paid if you've just been in a car accident and can't work. It's natural that you'll want to see a lawyer as soon as possible. However, you can damage your case if you do any of these things, before or during the lawsuit.
Waiting to See a Doctor
One sure-fire way to ruin your personal injury case is to put off seeing the doctor. Even if your accident resulted in a trip to the hospital via ambulance, you'll need to see your own personal doctor once you're released. Some injuries aren't noticeable immediately. You might feel fine at the hospital and then a couple days later, you might feel like you got hit by a train.
Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible and document what they tell you about your injuries. Keep this documentation in a folder with the documents from the hospital.
Keep all the suggested appointments that your personal doctor suggests and keep the receipts for those visits, physical therapy visits, prescriptions or other treatments prescribed. If the doctor tells you to visit the physical therapist twice a week for three months, and you only go once a week, then you'll damage your case. The other attorney can use this information as proof that your injuries aren't as bad as what you claim.
Talking About the Issues on Social Media
If you really want to damage your personal injury case, post about it on social media. Rant all you want, post pictures of yourself at parties and talk about how much you drank at an event before getting behind the wheel. The attorney for the person who caused the accident will love seeing these posts. They will use them against you, especially if you post pictures of yourself drinking at a party before driving.
Sometimes winning a personal injury lawsuit means staying off social media for a while. It might be difficult, but you'll need to find the strength to do it.
Ignoring the Possibility of a Private Investigator
Keeping up with activities that you love to do while you're injured is not only a great way to prevent healing of your injuries, but it is also a great way to ruin your personal injury case. During this season of your life, a private investigator may be watching your every move. Remember, they have stealth training and you won't see them.
If the accident caused a back injury, don't go snowboarding or even play golf. Be careful that your activities don't aggravate your injury, or ruin your lawyers chances of winning your case.
Being Silent About Your Pain
If you're the strong silent type, you'll be in a pickle if your case goes to court, and the opposing attorney puts your family on the stand. Sure, you don't want to burden them with your pain complaints, but if they can't testify that you are in pain, then the judge will wonder if you're making the whole thing up.
Be open and honest about the amount of pain that you're in and ask for help when needed. Your family can then back up your injuries with their testimony.
Follow your attorney's instructions to the letter. Do everything your doctor says to heal quickly and to help your case. In the end, you'll find that this time may go by a lot quicker and smoothly if you don't become your own worst enemy. For more information, contact a firm such as the Law Office Of Daniel E Goodman.