3 Reasons You Should Take Away Your Teenager’s Driving Privileges

When your teenager is first learning to drive, it is important that you ensure that they receive enough driving instruction, and you also need to take a seat in the passenger car for several drives to ensure that they are driving safely. You also need to set clear ground rules about safe driving practices and let your teenager know that there are severe consequences for breaking your driving rules. Now is not the time to campaign for your teen's friendship since strict driving rules can be a matter of life or death. If your teenager makes any of the following unsafe driving choices, it's important to restrict their driving privileges.

Reason #1: Not Wearing a Seat Belt

Choosing whether they wear a seat belt may seem like a small thing. After all, skipping the seat belt is not putting anyone else at risk except for your teenager. However, it is important that you communicate loud and clear how important their life is to you, even if their risky driving behaviors aren't hurting others. Wearing a seat belt is the most effective way to save lives in the event of an accident. Make sure that your teenager knows that they are required to wear a seat belt every single time they get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Reason #2: Texting While Driving

Much has been side about teenagers and their reliance on their smart phones. Texting may seem like something that can be enjoyed throughout the day, even when they are commuting to or from school or work. However, texting while driving is a big problem. 10 percent of teen drivers in fatal crashes were distracted at the time of the accident. Losing their driving privileges will be a lot easier for a teenager to handle than the weight of being responsible for a deadly crash due to texting while driving.

Reason #3: Drinking and Driving

Drunk drivers cause nearly 30 deaths per day in the United States. Drinking and driving can be the biggest mistake any driver makes on the road, and over 28 million people admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol in 2013. Your teen needs to not be among the millions who are putting the lives of others at risk on the road. Let your teen know that no amount of drunk driving will be acceptable, and talk to them about other alternatives and choices they can make if they find themselves in a compromised situation where they are tempted to get behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated.

Finally, keep in mind that nearly any teenager will make mistakes on the road. There is a difference between an accident and deliberately ignoring safe driving practices. While you should go easy on your teenager when they make small mistakes at no fault of their own, you need to be very strict about the importance of make deliberate, careful, and smart choices on the road.

If you have further questions about actions to take to prevent or prepare for an auto accident, contact an auto accident attorney, like one from Salley Law Firm PA.
