Tips To Win Your Appeal After A Long-Term Disability Denial
Filing for long-term disability is supposed to be a lifeline that can help make you whole again and get you back on the right path toward recovery. So finding out that your initial claim has been denied can feel like a sucker punch, and you might be feeling almost as bad as you did when you first suffered the disability. But know that it is possible to appeal a long-term disability claim denial, and you can even come out on top if you play your cards right. Here are some tips to keep in mind when filing your appeal.
Order the Case File
Your denial letter will likely give a reason for why you were denied, but it might not tell the whole story. What you need to do is order the actual case file from the insurance company so you can see exactly what the person or people who denied your claim said about your case. This could help you frame your appeal in a way that will help you win.
Be Aware of Deadlines
You likely have a limited amount of time to appeal your denial. Your denial letter might state the specific date of your deadline, but if not, be prepared to research the timeline that applies in your state. Failing to file your appeal by the deadline could allow the denial to stand, and then you'll be out of luck. This is also why it's important to order your case file as soon as possible, because it might take some time for the insurance company to get it to you.
Hire New Independent Experts
You might have been interviewed by an expert hired by the insurance company about your injury or disability. But if you get denied, you need to take another look at who you are talking to and who is speaking on your behalf. Hire you own team of independent experts to review your disability and give a written statement. You can't tell the experts what to say, but hiring them yourself gives you a better chance of getting a positive opinion.
Hire an Attorney
For best results, you need to hire a long-term disability attorney. A good lawyer will be able to speed up the process of getting you your case file and will also be on the ball about any deadlines that you need to meet. You can have your lawyer double-check your paperwork this time around to make sure there are no errors that might result in another denial.
Contact a local long-term disability attorney today for more information