If you were recently injured in an auto accident, you may not be ready to begin the process of pursuing a personal injury claim quite yet. Understandably, you may need some time to recover physically from your injuries before you can begin the process of recovering financially. However, if you are not careful, you could find that the actions you take now will negatively impact your ability to collect compensation later.
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The Internet is full of legal cases involving employees suing employers over discrimination, illegal firings, and many other issues. In addition, a number of state and federal laws protect employees from employer retaliation and other labor concerns. But what about you and your company? Do you have the right to protect your company from an unfair legal suit if the ex-employee says you fired them without due cause? You do, and your business attorney can help you do so.
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If you or someone you love has had their ability to provide for themselves threatened due to a disability, you're likely entitled to relief and assistance from the social security administration. However, many people find themselves intimidated by the associated large bureaucracy and end up settling for amounts that are far less than they may be entitled to.
Hiring an attorney to oversee your social security claim can be an excellent decision in these instances.
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When it comes to getting the most money for a personal injury, it's important to know what to do. You will likely receive a call from an insurance adjuster offering you a settlement amount, but the chances are high you can get much more than this with a little effort. By creating a demand letter and sending it to your insurance provider, this may help increase the amount of your compensation.
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You may find it harder to work than you once did if you have been in the workforce for a few decades. This does not mean you are disabled, but at what point do you make the transition from work is difficult to work is impossible? Knowing when it is time to file for social security disability benefits will make the entire process go more smoothly.
You Have Sustained a Significant Injury that Has Left You Disabled
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