Kevin Silva

3 Things a Lender Must Do Before Foreclosing on Your Home

Are you behind on your mortgage? You're not alone. Many homeowners fall behind on their mortgages, often because of unexpected events like a serious injury or illness or even a job loss. Falling behind on a mortgage can be an extremely stressful situation. You may be worried about your credit and whether you may even lose your home. Most lenders ultimately don't want to foreclose. Usually, they'd prefer to find a solution where you can catch up on your mortgage. Read More 

Accidents Happen: What Drivers Need To Know

If you are involved in a car accident you must stop your vehicle and inspect the damage, regardless of who is at fault. If you fail to stop, you can be charged with a criminal offense, known as a hit and run. There are other things you should know about car accidents, so you can avoid legal problems in the future.  Always Stop And Report Anytime you are involved in a car accident, no matter how minor, you must stop. Read More 

Can You File A Lawsuit Against A Sexual Partner For Transmitting A STD?

Depending on your local and state laws, there is a possibility that you could file a civil lawsuit against a sexual partner that gave you a sexually transmitted disease, or STD. STDs are not uncommon, but filing a lawsuit based on the transmission of one is. If you plan to file a suit, there are some things you need to know.  Negligence Personal injury lawsuits are based on proving that another person or organization behaved in a negligent manner that resulted in harm to another. Read More 

Understanding The Different Types Of Field Sobriety Tests

Chances are, if you are ever pulled over by an officer that suspects you have been drinking, the officer will administer what is commonly referred to as a sobriety test. These tests are designed to help an officer determine if a driver has been drinking and whether the driver should be using a vehicle. Not all drivers who are pulled over will be given a field sobriety test, but these tests are used fairly often on the road. Read More 

Want To Ruin Your Personal Injury Case? This Should Do It

When a person is injured, there are many things that go through their mind in addition to getting better and paying the medical bills. If you're like most people, you might be wondering how you're going to get your other bills paid if you've just been in a car accident and can't work. It's natural that you'll want to see a lawyer as soon as possible. However, you can damage your case if you do any of these things, before or during the lawsuit. Read More