A slip-and-fall incident can happen to anyone. There are countless contributing factors to these incidents. If they are caused by negligence, injured parties may be entitled to compensation. Injuries can be bruises, sprains or strains, broken bones, or head injuries. Victims need to be aware of how they respond to these incidents. Their responses may affect any future personal injury claims that they file.
One of the worse things that an individual who experiences a slip and fall can do is refuse medical treatment.
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If you've been hurt in an accident that was not your fault, there is a good chance that you may be entitled to monetary compensation in a wide range of categories. However, there are misconceptions about personal injury attorneys that you should be aware of. The following are a few of these misconceptions.
You cannot afford a personal injury attorney
Personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. This means that the fees you pay them will come from a settlement or court judgment.
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If you're currently facing foreclosure or considering a short sale, you're probably experiencing some understandable anxiety about your future. Although no one enjoys being in this position, having an experienced real estate lawyer to help you navigate the complex legal landscape involved in these situations can make a significant difference in the outcome as well as help reduce the amount of anxiety you experience during the process. The following are various ways that a knowledgeable real estate attorney can protect your rights, negotiate favorable terms, and help to maximize your financial recovery.
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A person's last will and testament is a document that is created to decide how their assets are distributed after they pass away. While you may assume that a will is final and cannot be disputed, know that isn't the case at all. There are a few situations where it may be worth challenging a will's validity.
The Person Lacked Mental Capacity
It's important to know that a will can only be valid if it is signed by a person that is mentally able to understand what they are signing.
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If you are involved in any real estate transactions, you need to ensure legal compliance to avoid any potential tax issues. Though many real estate transactions can be handled with the guidance of a qualified accountant, there are certain circumstances when it may be beneficial to seek assistance from an experienced real estate tax attorney.
Here are some circumstances when you should consider seeking out the services of a real estate tax attorney.
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