One of the most difficult aspects of a divorce can be when children are involved. Parents have to decide who will get custody of the children, what visitation will be like for the non-custodian parent, and the amount of child support that will be paid. There are guidelines that determine child support payments, and if you are going through a divorce with kids, it is important to understand the basics of it.
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When your teenager is first learning to drive, it is important that you ensure that they receive enough driving instruction, and you also need to take a seat in the passenger car for several drives to ensure that they are driving safely. You also need to set clear ground rules about safe driving practices and let your teenager know that there are severe consequences for breaking your driving rules. Now is not the time to campaign for your teen's friendship since strict driving rules can be a matter of life or death.
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Ideally, after signing the purchase contract for a home, everything will fall in place so that the sale can complete on closing date. However, this does not always happen. Any number of issues can occur that can derail the purchase of the home. To keep your purchase on track, here are some possible issues that can arise and what you can do to avoid them.
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Personal injury claims can be filed for not only negligent actions, but also for deliberate acts that harmed you. If you've been the victim of an attack, you could sue your attacker for compensation to cover the cost of your medical bills, the wages lost and for any pain and suffering that the attack caused. A personal injury attorney can help you compile sufficient evidence to file a claim. However, you need to be proactive and help yourself by gathering the following 3 types of evidences.
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If you and your spouse live in Florida with at least one child under the age of 18, and you have both determined that getting a divorce is the best decision, it is important to understand that mediation may be required. Specifically, Florida state law requires mediation if both parents cannot agree on appropriate custody, visitation, and child-support decisions. Simply by your filing a request for a divorce, the judge presiding over your case has the right to order mediation.
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