
4 Reasons A DIY Divorce Is Not A Good Idea

Coming to the decision to divorce is very difficult and stressful for most couples. It is not uncommon for married couples who are worried about changing from having a dual income to a single income to consider a DIY divorce in order to save money on lawyer's fees. While it is true that experienced, reputable divorce lawyers are not cheap, it is always in your best interest to have a lawyer represent you during a divorce. Read More 

3 Things To Do Before Meeting With A Divorce Attorney

Making the decision to end your marriage can be challenging, but it's important that you are prepared to take legal action in order to finalize your divorce. Many people opt to hire a divorce attorney to protect their interests during the legal divorce process. Here are three things that you should do before meeting with your divorce attorney for the first time to ensure your divorce is a success in the future. Read More 

How To Find The Perfect Lawyer For Your Whistleblower Case

Whistleblowers help the government stop fraud and recover money that has been stolen from taxpayers and the US Treasury. It is the type of fraud that can endanger patients and U.S. soldiers. This type of case is known as a qui tam, which is bought under the False Claims Act. The False Claims Act is a law that rewards whistleblowers and provides them with job protection. If you are planning to bring forth a fraud case, then you are going to need a good whistleblower representation lawyer. Read More 

Disability Claim Been Denied? Two Reasons Why You Need A Social Security Attorney

If you've recently applied for disability only to be denied, you may be at a loss concerning what to do.  Your bills might be piling up and you just don't know what's going to happen if you can't find a way to get an approval.  Although you can certainly appeal the decision, understand that doing so still isn't a guarantee.  That's why it's so important for you to get a social security attorney on your side after being denied disability. Read More 

5 Reasons You Should Hire A Bankruptcy Lawyer Before Filing For Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy may be one of your only options if you are extremely far in debt. However, before you actually file, it's a good idea to consult with a bankruptcy lawyer. He or she will provide you with the answers you are looking for that can help you get through bankruptcy. Here are five specific reasons to hire a bankruptcy attorney before filing for bankruptcy: Understand What Happens If You Do Nothing: The reason you may need to file for bankruptcy is because if you do nothing about your debt, you can potentially lose your home or other assets, such as your car. Read More