
How To Improve Your Chances Of Getting Social Security Disability For Chronic Migraines

Chronic migraines rank among the top 20 causes of disability conditions, and nearly 14 million people experience them almost daily - but can you get Social Security disability for them? Maybe. It's certainly difficult, but not impossible. Here's what you should know (and do) to help get your disability claim approved: Keep track of treatments. You can't diagnose migraines through blood work, X-rays, and other lab tests. Because of that, a lot of the evidence used to decide your case is actually " Read More 

Five Financial Benefits of Legal Separation

Divorce certainly qualifies as a life-changing event. The impact on everyone concerned will likely be severe and lasting. Many couples take an interim step in the divorce process called a legal separation. There are several benefits to having a legal separation agreement, and some of the major benefits concern your finances. Read on for five ways that a legal separation could benefit your financial situation in divorce proceedings. You can protect your liability for your spouse's debts with a legal agreement. Read More 

Injured in a Car Accident: 3 Common Mistakes That You Must Avoid

If you were recently injured in an auto accident, you may not be ready to begin the process of pursuing a personal injury claim quite yet. Understandably, you may need some time to recover physically from your injuries before you can begin the process of recovering financially. However, if you are not careful, you could find that the actions you take now will negatively impact your ability to collect compensation later. Read More 

Ex-Employee Sues You Without Cause? Justify Your Actions With This Proof

The Internet is full of legal cases involving employees suing employers over discrimination, illegal firings, and many other issues. In addition, a number of state and federal laws protect employees from employer retaliation and other labor concerns. But what about you and your company? Do you have the right to protect your company from an unfair legal suit if the ex-employee says you fired them without due cause? You do, and your business attorney can help you do so. Read More 

Secure Your Rights Through Information And Openness - Questions To Ask Your Social Security Attorney

If you or someone you love has had their ability to provide for themselves threatened due to a disability, you're likely entitled to relief and assistance from the social security administration. However, many people find themselves intimidated by the associated large bureaucracy and end up settling for amounts that are far less than they may be entitled to. Hiring an attorney to oversee your social security claim can be an excellent decision in these instances. Read More