If you have a loved one who has passed away as a result of a deliberate or negligent action carried out by another individual, you may be entitled to compensation. To sue for wrongful death, you will need to prove that the death was caused by the defendant and was not simply a result of an accident.
If the Defendant Has Duty of Care
To demonstrate that the defendant was responsible for the negligence, you will first need to demonstrate that the defendant had a duty of care.
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Being pulled over and arrested for driving while intoxicated can definitely be a frustrating experience. Driving while drunk is considered a major offense in the United States and can carry some pretty heavy penalties. Here are four consequences of a DWI that you should know about.
Revocation of Driver's License
If you are charged with a DWI, there is a possibility that you will lose your driver's license for a while.
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Disability claims with the Veterans Affairs (VA) claim system can be difficult, especially while transitioning to an unfamiliar civilian life and suffering from a troublesome condition. You may not have all of the information necessary due to administrative issues in the military, or because you didn't know what information to submit. If you're confused about the system or believe that your denial was in error, a few characteristics of the VA claim system and ways to enhance your claim can bring you closer to a successful appeal.
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Chronic migraines rank among the top 20 causes of disability conditions, and nearly 14 million people experience them almost daily - but can you get Social Security disability for them? Maybe. It's certainly difficult, but not impossible. Here's what you should know (and do) to help get your disability claim approved:
Keep track of treatments.
You can't diagnose migraines through blood work, X-rays, and other lab tests. Because of that, a lot of the evidence used to decide your case is actually "
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Divorce certainly qualifies as a life-changing event. The impact on everyone concerned will likely be severe and lasting. Many couples take an interim step in the divorce process called a legal separation. There are several benefits to having a legal separation agreement, and some of the major benefits concern your finances. Read on for five ways that a legal separation could benefit your financial situation in divorce proceedings.
You can protect your liability for your spouse's debts with a legal agreement.
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